A3 Critical Thinking for Managers
Precision Techniques for Expert Decisiveness
The key to creating highly adaptive organisations is the development of critical and evidence based thinking amongst management and staff alike.
The A3 Critical Thinking Course for Managers is a management course in critical-thinking and complex problem-solving. Professionals engaged in both day-to-day management and change management will benefit hugely from the tried and tested techniques revealed at this event.
The course is specifically designed for managers who want to develop an advanced decision-making skill-set with which to engage highly complex, interdependent environments undergoing change. By learning to use the A3 Structured Thinking System, participants will experience an evolution in their problem-solving abilities and an unprecedented confidence and clarity in the efficacy of their choices, priming them for success in a world where change is paramount.
About The Critical Thinking Course
Live online Two Day Course
Ready to take your management career to the next level?
The critical-thinking and complex problem-solving management course is for professionals engaged in both day-to-day management and change management who will benefit hugely from the tried and tested techniques revealed at this event.
This is our most popular course, having been delivered on four continents to over 3,000 students.
Mastering the Techniques of Critical Thinking and Complex Problem Solving for both day-to-day management and change management.
Productive conversations by becoming more effective in management meetings by spotting when assumptions are being made.
Identifying illogical arguments and conclusions and learn to ask the right questions in a meeting in order to prevent mishaps.
Handout (English) will be provided for the participants.
The A3 Structured Thinking System
While prior knowledge of the A3 system is not a requirement for attendance, this is not a simplistic A3 starter course. Participants will learn proven techniques for the highly effective interpretation of information in highly-complex situations, both in day-to-day management and change management paradigms. Acquiring the skills for fast and authoritative decision-making while building and sustaining clear and productive interdepartmental collaboration will give participants confidence in the successful outcomes of their management choices.
The A3 System is the structure with which the Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving approaches are deployed, displayed, communicated and discussed. This workshop will employ it to teach managers how to collect, interpret and act on the right information to maximise their innovative problem-solving skills. Participants will learn the theory behind the A3 Thinking process and practice techniques, along with how to apply them immediately to problems upon returning to work.
The success or failure of an organisation rests with the ability of managers to effectively make decisions and problem solve, especially during change programs.
This workshop is for managers who want to learn how to use the A3 Structured Thinking System to make better decisions and less mistakes in highly complex, interdependent environments undergoing change.
Specifically, participants will learn how to:
Use rapid iteration techniques in problem-solving during business-as-usual activities
Effectively establish and promote blame-free problem-solving processes
Employ factual identification techniques to accelerate conclusions by eliminating the white noise of misleading information
Communicate priorities and responsibilities to team members with tangible clarity
Quickly develop a problem-solving mindset in your staff for the effective delegation of improvement and change delivery
Immediately recognise assumption-making, illogical arguments and conclusions
Always ask the right question, at the right time, to directly acquire the facts.
Participants should each prepare a live workplace “problem topic” they wish to analyse during the course. This will be used to apply Critical Thinking and Problem Solving methods to the creation of your individual action plan.
Attendees Will Learn
A deep understanding of the powerful principles of A3 Thinking
A structured, scientific problem-solving system to develop a critical-thinking mindset
A structured system to develop countermeasures and solutions which are testable prior to large-scale rollout.
The ability to foster blame-free climates of trust within teams
The principles of critical-thinking coaching for problem delegation and responsibility assignment.
About the facilitator
Stephen Parry is a passionate leader recognised internationally as an authority on the creation of Adaptive Lean and Agility Service Enterprises. He has applied ‘Sense and Adapt’ principles to the design and operation of corporations around the world. He is the author of ‘Sense and Respond, The Journey to Customer Purpose’ (MacMillan 2005) and the founder of The Sense and Adapt Academy. Europe’s leading Lean and Adaptive Service specialist, providing services to many FTSE 500 companies. His transformation work is the feature of a BBC documentary, ‘The Crunch’ Creativity, Innovation and Change and is often interviewed on national media for his views on outsourcing, organisational change and customer service issues.